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Wednesday 22 June 2011

Richard Slater and Lauren Davies - Makuzi Bay Malawi

Richard and Lauren live in a brick house with a tin roof. Wealth in their Malawian community is measured by your standing with the chief of the area. Education is also a factor with locals approaching literate people to ask for help with documents. Richard would like to meet George Mallory the famous mountaineer. He follows rugby with the Stormers being his team. He would like his children to do anything that they are passionate about. He would like to leave behind something sustainable and that would further mankind and the environment.

This is Makusi Bay. Fantastic place to relax. I would recommend this spot for a breakaway holiday. The pics tell the story.

Michael with a Bos rooibos tea on Makuzi Beach.

View of Lake Malawi from the highlands before entering Tanzania.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

piece or peace of paradise